ordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS)Association nordique d’études canadiennes (ANEC)2ndCALL FOR PAPERS: NACS-XIII 2021‘From far and wide’: Cultures, memories and identities in CanadaAarhus, Denmark, Wed 10 – Fri 12 August 2022In collaboration with the Canadian Studies Centre at Aarhus University, the Nordic Association forCanadian Studies is pleased to publish its 2ndcall for submissions for papers for the thirteenth Nordicinternational, cross-disciplinary Canadian Studies conference, to be held in Aarhus, Denmark, in August2022.The theme of the conference – ‘From far and wide’ – may be taken literally or metaphorically.We are looking especially, but not exclusively, for contributions in the following fields:history / political science / literature & the arts / aboriginal affairs /Arctic & other regional studies / human & cultural geography / biographyKeynote speakers will be announced on the conference website (https://events.au.dk/nacs2021) assoon as they are confirmed.Presentations could for example explore a thematic or a regional approach. Presentations will beallowed 20 minutes + time for discussion, and will be organized in thematic, cross-disciplinaryworkshops potentially focused on some of the following topics:An abstract of the proposal, maximum 150 words, with a brief CV of the author(s), maximum 40 words,should be submitted in MS Word format (.doc or .docx) by 01 February 2022 to the ConferenceCommittee at the following address:nacs2021@cc.au.dkThe conference has been postponed from August 2021 because of the pandemic situation. Abstractsaccepted for the original dates do not need to be resubmitted.Aarhus University, Canadian Studies Centre