Guidelines application ACSN Student Research Award


The Association for Canada Studies In The Netherlands is pleased to announce the ACSN Student Research Awards. These awards, which as a rule are tenable within six months after they have been granted, can be applied for throughout the entire calendar year.

This award is designed to assist students at degree-granting institutions of higher education, whose M.A. theses or doctoral dissertations are related in substantial part to Canada, to undertake research in Canada. The purpose is to increase knowledge and understanding about Canada and to support the development of Canadian Studies in the Netherlands. The award provides assistance towards a maximum of EUR 1,000

1. Research fields

Awards may be granted for research in any of the following categories:

  • Canadian topics within the social sciences and the humanities, such as business studies, economics, law, international relations, history, politics, sociology, geography, arts, literature in English or French, linguistics, education, communications policy, media studies, planning, social administration, science policy, environmental studies, architecture, and other related fields;

  • comparative studies in the same fields in which Canada represents a substantial part of the work, normally 50% ;

  • aspects of Canada's bilateral relations with the Netherlands.

2. Eligibility

Applicants will normally:

  • be a citizen of the Netherlands (or legal resident status)

  • be a member of the Association for Canada Studies in the Netherlands

  • be a student in a recognized institution of higher education or equivalent degree-granting institute

  • Applicants must be proficient in either English or French.

3. Value of awards

The maximum value of any award will be EUR 1,000. Smaller awards may be made.

4. Terms and conditions

The Association for Canada Studies in the Netherlands will make non-renewable awards to successful candidates in accordance with the following conditions:

  • the applicant will personally apply for an award and will carry out his/her own research, as part of his/her formal program leading to a degree;

  • awards are intended to assist in defraying only direct costs resulting from a period of time spent in Canada while doing research, including return travel to Canada;

  • the applicant will make all arrangements relating to the research project including:

  • international travel,

  • visa (if needed),

  • accommodation and travel within Canada,

  • medical insurance while in Canada,

  • study plans, including, inter alia, appointments with Canadian academics and other resource persons, access to courses, libraries and other study centers, etc.;

  • the applicant will reside in Canada throughout the period to which the award relates;

  • a report of research activities and progress while in Canada will be sent to the ACSN within two months of the applicant's return to his/her country;

  • the rights to the research will remain the exclusive property of the researcher. However, the ACSN requires two copies of the subsequent thesis/dissertation when completed.

  • candidates who drop out of their doctoral program will immediately inform the ACSN.

5. Application procedure

Applications should be submitted by mail to the: ACSN Secretariat, van ‘t Santstraat 18, 6523 BG Nijmegen

The application will include :

  • evidence of citizenship or legal resident status;

  • a curriculum vitae;

  • transcript(s) of grades

  • information regarding the applicant's ability in either of Canada's official languages (English and French)

  • a written statement from the applicant that he/she will conform to all of the terms and conditions in section 4;

  • the research prospectus, specifically the one already appraised by the thesis/dissertation supervisor; this prospectus should identify the key issues or the main theoretical problem; justify the appropriate methodology; indicate clearly both the nature and the scope of the thesis/dissertation's contribution to the field of specialization as well as to the advancement of Canada Studies.

  • a complete schedule of research activities which will:

    • explain clearly the present status of the candidate's doctoral studies;

    • describe the candidate's study plans in Canada;

    • list Canadian contacts such as scholars, research institutes, academic institutions or libraries;

    • state clearly the period for which financial support is requested, including the proposed travel itinerary;

    • indicate what funding, if any, is available from other sources;

  • the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom must be the thesis/dissertation supervisor, who have been requested to submit confidential letters of recommendation DIRECT to the ACSN by the deadline for submission of applications. Letters of recommendation should testify to:

  • the ability of the applicant to complete successfully the dissertation within a reasonable length op time;

  • the suitability of the research proposal as a contribution to the general body of literature in the field chosen;

  • its contribution to the advancement of Canada Studies in the Netherlands.

  • Note: These recommendations are essential to the evaluation committee. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they are received on time. Referees may be contacted by the ACSN for additional comment if necessary.

  • an address to which communications about the award may be directed.

6. Selection and notification

All applications will be reviewed by a jury established by the ACSN. The jury will include representatives of the Dutch academic community and, when possible, a Canadian academic. At the discretion of the jury, an applicant may be invited to submit additional information or an amended application.

Pertinent criteria will be:

  • academic excellence of the proposal;
  • relevance of the proposal to the development of Canada Studies, through a substantial Canadian or Canadian-comparative component;
  • feasibility of the research project.

The ACSN will make final decisions following review of complete applications and recommendations of the jury.

7. Payment procedure

Successful candidates will be sent a Grant Agreement detailing the value and conditions of the award. It must be signed and returned to the ACSN as indicated, normally within thirty (30) days. Return of the signed Grant Agreement within the prescribed time frame will constitute assurance that grant will be made. The award will be paid to successful candidates in one lump sum.

Nijmegen, March 2015